Multiplicity results for a Kirchhoff type equations with general potential



Palais-Smale condition, Morse index, Kirchhoff type equation, Variational methods


This research we examine a Kirchhoff type equation in \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\) involving a potential that changes sign. By imposing appropriate conditions on \(V\) and making spectral assumptions, we successfully establish the existence of multiple solutions for this particular issue using variational methods.


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2024 May 11

How to Cite

L. Chen, T. Hu, and J. Zhou, “Multiplicity results for a Kirchhoff type equations with general potential”, Electron. J. Appl. Math., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1–9, May 2024.



Research Article
Received 2024 Jan 09
Accepted 2024 May 02
Published 2024 May 11

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