eISSN: 2980-2474
Publisher: Mersin University
Journal name: Electronic Journal of Applied Mathematics
Abbreviation: Electron. J. Appl. Math.
Parallel title: EJAM
Frequency: Quarterly
About the Journal
eISSN: 2980-2474
Publisher: Mersin University
Journal name: Electronic Journal of Applied Mathematics
Abbreviation: Electron. J. Appl. Math.
Parallel title: EJAM
Frequency: Quarterly (Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec)
Electronic Journal of Applied Mathematics (Electron. J. Appl. Math.) is a peer reviewed, Open Access journal that provides an advanced forum for studies related to mathematics. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
No submission or processing fees are required.
Current Issue

Research Article
On the convergence result for pseudo-parabolic equations with fractional time derivatives
Abstract views: 257 PDF downloads: 116 -
Reconstruct the unknown source on the right hand side of time fractional diffusion equation with Caputo-Hadamard derivative
Abstract views: 288 PDF downloads: 72 -
Exponential stability of viscoelastic structure with second sound
Abstract views: 293 PDF downloads: 162 -
Multiplicity results for a Kirchhoff type equations with general potential
Abstract views: 285 PDF downloads: 117