Geometry of solutions of the geometric curve flows in space


  • Zehui Zhao School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 431000, P.R. China
  • Shiping Zhong School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 431000, P.R. China
  • Xinjie Wan School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 431000, P.R. China


the Hasimoto surface, the shortening trajectory surface, the minimal trajectory surface, the \(\sqrt{\tau}\)-normal trajectory surface


In this study, we aim at investigating the geometry of surfaces corresponding to the geometry of solutions of the geometric curve flows in Euclidean 3-space \(\mathbb R^3\) considering the Frenet frame. In particular, we express some geometric properties and some characterizations of \(u\)-parameter curves and \(t\)-parameter curves of some trajectory surfaces including the Hasimoto surface, the shortening trajectory surface, the minimal trajectory surface, the \(\sqrt{\tau}\)-normal trajectory surface in \(\mathbb R^3\).



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2023 Oct 29

How to Cite

Z. Zhao, S. Zhong, and X. Wan, “Geometry of solutions of the geometric curve flows in space”, Electron. J. Appl. Math., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 16–25, Oct. 2023.



Research Article
Received 2023 Jul 19
Accepted 2023 Oct 20
Published 2023 Oct 29