Two-weighted inequalities for maximal commutators in generalized weighted Morrey spaces on spaces of homogeneous type


  • Ayşenur Aydoğdu Department of Mathematics, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Canay Aykol Department of Mathematics, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Javanshir J. Hasanov Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan


Maximal operator, commutator, generalized weighted Morrey space, spaces of homogeneous type


In this paper we give a characterization of two-weighted inequalities for maximal commutators in generalized weighted Morrey spaces on spaces of homogeneous type $\mathcal{M}_{\omega }^{p,\varphi }(X)$. We prove the boundedness of maximal commutators $[M,b]$ from the spaces $\mathcal{M}_{\omega _{1}^{\delta }}^{p,\varphi _{1}}(X)$ to the spaces $\mathcal{M}_{\omega _{2}^{\delta }}^{p,\varphi _{2}}(X)$, where $1<p<\infty $, $0<\delta <1$ and $(\omega _{1},\omega _{2})\in \widetilde{A}_{p}(X)$.


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2023 Sep 09 — Updated on 2023 Sep 09


How to Cite

A. Aydoğdu, C. Aykol, and J. J. Hasanov, “Two-weighted inequalities for maximal commutators in generalized weighted Morrey spaces on spaces of homogeneous type”, Electron. J. Appl. Math., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 18–28, Sep. 2023.



Research Article
Received 2023 Jun 13
Accepted 2023 Aug 10
Published 2023 Sep 09